Partie 512
Beginn der Partie: 21.12.2002
Nation | Spieler | eMail-Adresse | Ersatz | Platzierung |
Deutschland | Jürgen Blakowski | | x | |
England | Stephan Koch | | ||
Frankreich | Jörg Meyer | | x | |
Italien | Dirk Richter | | ||
Osmanisches Reich | Florian Grundmüller | | ||
Österreich-Ungarn | Jan den Elzen | | ||
Rußland | Eric Crameri | |
Zugabgabe an den Spielleiter: | Aktuelle Textauswertung | unverbindlich... | ||
Aktuelle Grafikauswertung | verbindlich... | |||
Presseforum | ||||
Auswertung vom
Herbst 1905
Stand: 10.3.03
Geplante Zugabgabetermine, jeweils 24:00 Uhr!
F 1901: 21.12.2002
H 1901: 5.1.2003
F 1902: 11.1.2003
H 1902: 18.1.2003
F 1903: 25.1.2003
H 1903: 1.2.2003
F 1904: 8.2.2003
H 1904: 15.2.2003
F 1905: 22.2.2003
H 1905: 10.3.2003
F 1906: 15.3.2003
H 1906: 22.3.2003
Smy - Con: OK
Bul S Smy - Con: Cut by Bla;
StP - Nwy: OK
Swe S StP - Nwy: OK
Den S Ruh - Kie: OK
Pru - Ber: Bounce with Mun 1:1;
Gal - Bud: Bounce with Bud 1:1;
Bla - Bul: Bounce with Bul 2:2;
Rum S Bla - Bul: OK
Arm - Smy: OK
Con S Arm - Smy: Dislodged by Smy 2:1;
Pie - Tyr: Bounce with Tyr 1:1;
Tyr - Vie: Bounce with Boh 1:1;
Tri - Ser: Bounce with Ser 1:1;
Bud S Tri - Ser: Cut by Gal;
Adr H: OK
Aeg S Smy - Con: OK
Gre S Bul H: OK
Nwy - Nth: Bounce with Lon 1:1; Dislodged by StP 2:1;
Kie S Hol H: Cut by Ruh; Dislodged by Ruh 2:1;
Hol H: Dislodged by Nth 2:1;
Boh - Vie: Bounce with Tyr 1:1;
Mun - Ber: Bounce with Pru 1:1;
NAt - Nrg: OK
Cly - Edi: OK
Yor S Cly - Edi: OK
Lon - Nth: Bounce with Nwy 1:1;
Nth - Hol: OK
Bel S Nth - Hol: OK
Ruh - Kie: OK
Bur - Mar: OK
Edi H: Dislodged by Cly 2:1;
Ser H: OK
Russia may retreat fleet in Con to: Ank
Germany disbands unit in Kie
Germany may retreat army in Hol to: Ex
England disbands unit in Edi
Germany may retreat fleet in Nwy to: Ex
*** Adjudicated with Diplo 2.8.2 ***
Russia takes Smy from Turkey.
Turkey takes Con from Russia.
France takes Kie from Germany.
France takes Hol from Germany.
Russia takes Den from Germany.
France takes Edi from England.
Italy takes Bud from Austria.
Russia may build 1 unit: F StP (sc)
Italy may build 1 unit: A Ven
France may build 2 unit: A Par, F Bre
F 1901
H 1901
F 1902
H 1902
F 1903
H 1903
F 1904
H 1904
F 1905